The First-Ever audemars piguet replica watches Selfwinding Flying Tourbillon

It's interesting to see the similarities and differences between lot 200 and the production watch. The main difference between the production and prototype watches is that the watch is rotated 180 degrees. Additionally, the production version features the tourbillon at its top and the pendulum below. This is both visually pleasing and highlights the tourbillon which was, after all, its most important feature. The watch doesn't bear the Audemars-Piguet name. In fact, there is no brand name. Instead, an applied shield is placed where it should be. An observant viewer will recognize Ebauches SA's logo - Beyner Grimm's former employer, now known by ETA.

Diagram showing the pivot for the oscillating mass in the audemars piguet replica watches automatic winding system. Credit to Audemars Piguet Archives

The Calibre 2870's tourbillon mechanism weighed only 0.123 grams.

Through Time, The audemars piguet replica watches Tourbillons

Georges Golay was the man in charge of Audemars Pièget at this point.U-boat replica watches The 1972 audemars piguet replica watches ref. was the first of two legendary watches that Georges Golay had launched under his watchmaker's care. 5402 and later the 5548 Perpetual Kalender. This was the backdrop against which Audemars Piguet's self-winding tourbillon prototype had been brought by Grimm and Beyner.

Golay, in turn, took the knowledge and gave it to Serge Meylan,audemars piguet fake watches a young mechanic who had just joined workshops. He was given the task of creating a watch from Beyner's and Grimms prototype.

Young Meylan accepted the challenge of making a tourbillons that were as small as possible (7.2mm in diameter). He also gave the cage a titanium frame for lightness and stability. This was another first in watchmaking.